Friday, 19 August 2005

The five question meme....

"Anyway, it is called the five question meme. One requests of another blogger who has already been 'interviewed', in the comments section of that post, that one be interviewed. Said blogger then posts five questions for you, also in the comments section of the aforementioned post. You then answer them on your own blog. Here goes." (from

Now it's my turn...

1)What issue, be it news related, politics, personal, whatever, is currently occupying most of your headspace?
I guess the answer would have to be "human greed". As Xavier Rudd wisely said "Human beings are dangerous, their greed is contagious". There are so many people in this world who spend so much of their time furrowing their brows and grasping and hoarding. I feel for those people because until you let go of all that stuff, you have no hope of enjoying the simple pleasures in life, the sun and moon and stars in the sky, good food, good company, good chat. I feel for the rest of us too, those that try to live our lives with compassion for those around us, with a vision that looks a little bit further than our next "fast buck". I was going to say that they drag us down but I don't think they do, ours is ours, theirs is their own. However, I do think that they make the world a harder place to live in. Let's face it, if everybody made sure they looked out for the people around them, nobody would actually have to worry about themselves - they'd have 10 people doing it for them!

2)How do you feel about it?
I guess I feel sad and resentful but at the same time, quite resigned. You cannot tell people what to do, you can only hope to change them by showing them a better way with your own actions and words. I will walk my path and welcome anyone that wants to walk with me. After all, there is only one thing better than marvelling in the simple pleasures of life - sharing those pleasures with other people who appreciate them!

3)Do you see resolution, and how?
Not really, whilst there are many people in this world who, in the words of Max Ehrmann "...strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism", we seem to spiral deeper and deeper into a cycle of violence, greed, mistrust and hatred. At this stage, I think we need a dramatic shift in our thinking and attitude to the world around us in order to jump start the changes we need. Having said that, we are making progress in some areas, the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza this week is a very good example of the human willingness to find compromise, despite overwhelming odds to the contrary. The "how" is the big question - we need something that makes all of us (or at least most of us) sit up and say "Shit, this is it, we have to do something and we have to do it now"

4)Who throws a shoe?
There are many reasons why you would throw a shoe. Without a full and frank discussion on why the shoe is being propelled, it is very difficult to ascertain the start point of its trajectory and, indeed, it's landing site. If I had to hazard a guess, based on urban mythology, I would say "A man woken by feline caterwauling in the small hours of Monday morning."

5)What fucker said that?!
He was here a minute ago but he just disappeared. I suspect he's gone to throw his shoe at someones head and steal all their money. Perhaps banning shoes is the answer? If he didn't have any shoes to throw, would the world be a better place? Or would the greedy people simply find new and effective (read: cost efficient) ways of throwing socks? I think this is worth exploring...thoughts please....